25 Essential Vietnamese Phrases for Travelers in 2025

25 Essential Vietnamese Phrases for Travelers in 2025

category : DYV NEWS

Traveling to Vietnam offers a treasure trove of experiences, from vibrant cities to serene countryside. While many locals in popular destinations speak some English, learning a few common Vietnamese phrases can enhance your journey and help to show your respect for the culture. We’ve put together a handy guide to essential Vietnamese phrases, complete with their meanings and pronunciation tips to ensure you make the most out of your trip!

Basic Greetings and Polite Expressions

  1. Xin chào (Sin chao) – Hello
  2. Cảm ơn (Gahm uhn) – Thank you
  3. Xin vui lòng (Sin voo-ee long) – Please
  4. Tốt lắm (Tot lam) – Very good
  5. Xin lỗi (Sin loy) – Sorry / Excuse me

Navigating and Asking for Help

  1. Đây là đâu? (Day lah dow?) – Where is this?
  2. Nhà vệ sinh ở đâu? (Nyah veh sing uh dow?) – Where is the restroom?
  3. Giúp tôi với (Zoop toy voy) – Help me, please
  4. Tôi không hiểu (Toy khong hee-oo) – I don’t understand
  5. Tôi có thể dùng tiếng Anh không? (Toy caw thay yung tyeng Anh khong?) – Can I use English?

Shopping and Dining

  1. Bao nhiêu tiền? (Bow nyew tyen?) – How much is this?
  2. Có được mặc không? (Caw duoc muck khong?) – Can we bargain?
  3. Tôi muốn gọi món (Toy moon goy mon) – I’d like to order
  4. Không cay (Khong kai) – No spicy
  5. Rất ngon (Rut ngon) – Very delicious


  1. Taxi đến…được không? (Taxi den … duoc khong?) – Can I take a taxi to…?
  2. Tôi muốn thuê xe máy (Toy moon tway say my) – I want to rent a motorbike
  3. Bao lâu đến đó? (Bow low den daw?) – How long to get there?
  4. Đường này đi được không? (Duong nay dee duoc khong?) – Is this road okay to travel?
  5. Dừng lại! (Zoong lai!) – Stop!

Emergencies and Essential Questions

  1. Gọi bác sĩ! (Goy bahk see!) – Call a doctor!
  2. Tôi bị ốm (Toy bee om) – I’m sick
  3. Tôi bị lạc (Toy bee lack) – I’m lost
  4. Tối có thể gặp cảnh sát không? (Toy caw thay gap canh sat khong?) – Can I see the police?
  5. Số điện thoại khẩn cấp là gì? (Sow deen thoai khan cup lah zee?) – What is the emergency number?

Final Thought from Discover Your Vietnam

A touch of Vietnamese in your conversations does more than ease communication—it shows cultural respect and enriches your travel experience. Whether you’re tasting handcrafted cocktails at a rooftop bar in Ho Chi Minh City or visiting a local artisan’s workshop in Hue, these simple phrases open the door to deeper connections and more memorable moments.

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