Cu Chi Tunnels

Cu Chi Tunnels

Types of Activities: Culture Price: 

The Cu Chi Tunnels played a pivotal role in the Vietnam-America war’s outcome and are an incredible window into the wartime conditions experienced by both sides. Lying just beneath the surface is a complex multi-level web of tunnels used by the Viet-Cong to escape capture. While above ground are hundreds of booby traps set up to wound soldiers. Accompanied by a knowledgeable tour guide, crawl through the tunnels, see the bomb craters and learn about the war like never before.

Absolutely fascinating place that is very well preserved. The guides that will show you all of the hidden booby traps are incredibly knowleagable and have a good sense of humour, so deliver the information really well. Definitely suitable for everyone of all ages, although it should be noted the terrain can be a little uneven and a final fyi, the crawling through the tunnels is absolutely optional for anyone who is unable.
Nicole Sandman

Nicole Sandman

Vietnam travel expert

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