Cycling Saigon to Hanoi: Coastal Road Adventure – 15 Days

Cycling Saigon to Hanoi: Coastal Road Adventure – 15 Days

Types of Activities: Cycling Price: 

This 15-day cycling expedition is perfect for any adventure enthusiasts looking to explore the best of Vietnam. Cycle through the stunning attractions in Dalat, Nha Trang and Phu Yen before making your way to Quy Nhon. Take a rest day here and potentially enjoy a boat ride around Con Son Island. Continue onto Quang Ngai and explore the local culture before heading to historic Hoi An. Make your way further north and fly to Hanoi, where you can explore more of Vietnam’s northern countryside. This is the ultimate adventure cycle tour!

This 15-day cycling expedition is a great experience for any adventure enthusiasts looking to really get to know Vietnam. The tour allows you to explore many of the country’s best attractions, while also getting a taste of rural life in the north. All meals are included and the guides were supgeable! This is a very advanced cycle and recommended for people who want to push themselves to the friendly and knowled
Danny Ansell

Danny Ansell

Travel Vietnam Expert

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